Bacon, bacon - what would we do without the stuff? How on earth do people cope, who don't eat bacon? Come to that, how do vegetarians stay vegetarian, when there's bacon in the world? I know I didn't. I spent a year and a half being vegetarian after the traumatic time of having my first horse put to sleep. Put me off meat in a big way, that did. However, I was won over by the promise of a bacon & egg sandwich. Oooh, but it was good!
So this week is Bacon Connoisseur's Week, but before I get into describing the bacony loveliness that we're indulging in, a few words about the end of last week.
We had my parents over for Sunday lunch on Mothering Sunday, which was very nice indeed and it was lovely to see them outside of their house - as we always seem to be going over there! Hubby was in charge of the catering on the day, to save my stress levels from soaring and (potentially) making me feel worse than I currently do. He did a sterling job, cooking them his signature Risotto - this time it was a Bacon & Asparagus risotto, which is one of our favourites. We were tempted to do the Bramley Apple, Bacon & Black Pudding risotto, but didn't know how they might react to black pudding, so erred on the side of caution. The Bacon & Asparagus version is always completely gorgeous though - and everyone presented cleaned plates at the end of the meal, so I think they agreed.

I'd made a lovely big retro trifle for dessert - a strawberry & raspberry sherry version. Quite apart from being completely mouthwatering and retrospective, it had the advantage that it could be made beforehand and just be waiting in the fridge for its moment in the sun. I'll be blogging the recipe, so I won't go into detail here.
Thinking on, we started Bacon Connoisseur's Week early, with our Sunday lunch of Bacon & Asparagus Risotto!
So, what's on the menu for the coming week then? Here you go :
Tues : Bacon & Leek Pasta
Wed : Petuba Canneloni with salad
Thur : Hoisin Chicken and noodles
Fri : Takeaway or eat out
Sat : Sausage croissants with potato wedges
Sun : Turkey & Chestnut Cider Pie with mashed potato, green beans & broccoli
Mon : to be confirmed!
Good old Bacon & Leek Pasta. It's a favourite standby recipe that gets trotted out when I want a meal that's easy to prepare. It just so happened that I haven't yet got around to blogging this stalwart of a recipe and because it's Bacon Connoisseur's Week, it seemed like a good place to start.
Tonight's Petuba Canneloni is a recipe that has primarily been dreamt up by hubby - so I've left him to cope with all the processes that are involved. Petuba? You're wondering about the name, aren't you. I know I would be! Well, it's an amalgamation. You see, the stuffing for the canneloni will involve Peppadew PEppers, TUrkey breast steaks and BAcon, all held together with Ricotta cheese. Pe-tu-ba, see? This recipe fits very nicely in with two promotions that are being conducted at the moment - the "I love British Turkey" and Bacon Connoisseur's Week.
In conjunction with "I love British Turkey" I was recently sent some turkey products and the Peppadew peppers, to work with and concoct some yummy recipes. So if turkey keeps on popping up in the menu plans, you know why!
Thursday's dinner breaks free from all influences of bacon or turkey and we're satisfying my craving for Hoisin sauce. Currently, we're having terrible trouble finding a tin of water chestnuts, but hopefully we'll have tracked one down by tomorrow. I was sure I'd bought water chestnuts from Asda on previous occasions, but neither of us could find any trace of any such thing there yesterday. A shame, because I absolutely love water chestnuts and they will provide lovely crunchiness along with soft chicken and noodles, baby sweetcorn and mange tout.
Angus Young - for those who don't know! |
Son & heir is involved in a concert at his school - a "We will rock you" type concert where he's playing guitar and singing - so there is lots of after school rehearsals going on, increasing in intensity the closer we get to concert day. Hence, Friday is the big dress rehearsal and we've no idea when it is likely to grind to a halt, so that's definitely a "no cook" day. He's dressing up as Angus Young (from AC/DC) and there's been no end of anguish over his costume, but I think we've cracked it now, with judicious use of safety pins and a lucky strike where a hat was concerned.
He is also appearing as part of the choir, which requires him to wear black & white - and a jacket. Well that jacket has been harder to source than anything else. Even so, we've wound up with a very dark navy jacket that's just going to have to do. School seems to think we're all made of money and can just go out and buy a brand new black jacket just for the concert, but I'm afraid life's not that easy!
Sort of like this - except prettier! |
Saturday sees the return of Sausage Croissants which got bumped from last week's menu list before it even hit publication - where you use frozen croissant dough and spread it with chutney before wrapping around a part-cooked sausage, then baking. I thought it looked like a nice variation on a sausage roll idea - and we all like sausage rolls! I shall be having coleslaw with mine and I expect the chaps will be happy with potato wedges with theirs. A suitable Saturday meal, I thought.
Sunday brings a return to creating meals with British Turkey. I was sent a pack of cubed turkey leg meat, which was saying either "stew" or "pie" to me. The stew option seemed too easy and too obvious, whereas the pie option seemed to be a little more challenging where the potential for additional flavours was concerned. I'm currently aiming for a pie filling involving the turkey along with some chestnuts, carrots, mushrooms and a little celery, all held within a light but creamy cider gravy or sauce, under a puff pastry lid. Looking at it there, it sounds lovely - so I'm fairly hopeful.
Monday is the day before the big concert, so we're leaving that day's meal open at the moment, as we don't really know what's going to happen with regard to rehearsals. We'll plan that one over the weekend, I think, once we've got a better picture of what's happening.
Hey! You'll never guess what? I made the Dorset Apple Cake! I know - what a surprise, eh? Well, I shall be blogging that recipe, too - so I'll leave it at "yum with cream!" for now.
As for incidental bakes and makes this week, well I have some muffin baking to do. Waay back when, I made some completely gorgeous Bacon & Cheese muffins that were just divine for breakfast, coffee time - any time, really. They aren't cheap to make - not as an incidental make - but are very worth it. I was amazed to find (when I was planning bacon posts) that I hadn't blogged the results, so they were definitely going to be made this week.
Lastly, we were given some lovely Zinfandel wine by the folk at Barefoot Wines, with which to make a Mother's Day cocktail. Well, between one thing and another, we completely failed to make it for Mother's Day, but we'll very definitely be making it some time this week. Involving strawberries, zinfandel and gin, I'm only amazed we haven't got to it sooner!
So, with a rousing chorus of "We are the champions", let's head off into Turkey and Bacon week - with a large seasoning of Queen hits for good measure!