
2 March 2012

Leftover couscous for lunch

You might recall the Winter Couscous that I made the other evening to go with the smoked mackerel.  Well, there was (inevitably) some left over.

Hooray!  Almost instant lunch for the following day.  All I had to do was soft boil an egg and slice up an avocado, then sit down and tuck in.

The couscous had soaked up the juices from the chargrilled veggies and was a little bit dry, so I cheered it up by running a little more olive oil through it, then added a sprinkle of cider vinegar (Maille Vinaigre de Cidre is my current favourite - I could drink it by the shot glassful).

With the addition of a sliced avocado and the gorgeous yolk from the egg running through, it made a perfect lunch.  Hooray for leftovers!



  1. Thank you, Carole. :) I went along to check out your leftover lamb recipe and although I'd quibble over the "newness" of putting it in a salad, *chuckle*, who cares, it looked lovely!


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