
19 February 2012

Swiss Eggs - a naughty, but utterly irresistible, lunch

Swiss Eggs.  Aaaah, how just those two little words can carry me back in time to when I was a teenager living with my parents & brother near Epsom.

I can remember some "lunches of note" such as bacon & tomatoes on toast, cold roast chicken & sweetcorn relish sandwiches and cheese on pickle on toast.  However none of them has the sheer power of a food memory that the Swiss Eggs do.

My memory fails me where the first taste of this lunchtime paragon is concerned, but I can well remember grating the cheese and filling the little dishes as my Mum breaks the eggs to go in them.  Then she would add the little splosh of milk and I would do the sprinkling of Worcestershire sauce and pop the little knobs of butter on top.

Into the oven they went, while we toasted and buttered some bread and sat waiting for the oven to work its magic.  As the twenty minutes passed, the smells of hot Worcestershire sauce were replaced by melting, baking cheese.  Oooooh, the anticipation!

I went through all that again today, except in a different order as I was the Mum and son & heir was the progeny I was making them for.  There is something beautifully cyclic about these types of cooking moments - moments that I can only hope that son & heir will carry forward to his family, as and when.

It has to have been some ten years or more since I last had Swiss Eggs.  Hubby is egg sensitive, so I don't make them for him - and it seemed too much to fire up the oven just for me.  Owing to the thermo nuclear temperature that the ramekins achieve, it has taken this long for me to trust son & heir's tender fingertips - and not least, his tongue - with the correct handling of one.

Today was the day - and, almost in celebration, I pushed the boat out a bit and substituted some cream for the milk.  The cheddar was lovely Lake District Cheddar and the eggs free range.  The anticipation was the same, as I sat in the kitchen appreciating the fragrances issuing from the oven, but even that was eclipsed by that first spoonful.

Oh dear god.  Let it not be ten years before I make these again.  They are, truly, divine.

SWISS EGGS  (makes 1)

Ingredients :

Enough grated cheddar to half fill a good sized ramekin
2 fresh eggs
a tablespoonful of cream (milk would do)
four spots of Worcestershire sauce
freshly ground black pepper.

Method :

1.  Pre-heat the oven to 180degC(fan)/350degF/Gas4.

2.  Place half the grated cheese into the bottom of a ramekin.

3.  Crack the two eggs into the ramekin, on top of the cheese.

4.  Cover the eggs with the remaining cheese.

5.  Pour the cream (or milk) over and season with the pepper and four spots of Worcestershire sauce.

6.  Place into the oven for 20 minutes, or until the eggs have risen and the cheese is bubbling.

7.  Serve with buttered toast, in a quiet place, where you can be alone with your lunch - because you're not going to want to share it!


  1. I've never even heard of Swiss eggs until now! Why oh why have I been denied these??

    Not kidding, these sound (and look) amazing. And as a bonus that's virtually no carbs, toast aside, and a new thing I can try with the egg glut courtesy of the new ladies.

    I know what tomorrow's breakfast is going to be :)

  2. Jane, do come back and let me know what you think of these! If you're after a bit of a vegetable hit as well, you can add a little spinach to the bottom of the ramekin before adding the first helping of cheese. Personally, I've never tried it this way, but I hear it's good!

  3. Sounds heavenly, may just have to indulge myself after my walk!

  4. The fact that this recipe just made my mouth water and my tummy quietly rumble, even though I just stuffed myself full of waffles (Banana Bread ones, at that!), lets me know that I will definitely be making these ASAP! What a delicious and unique recipe, thanks so much for posting it!! ~ Lauren with From Everyday To Gourmet

  5. So did you indulge, Noreen? If so, what do you think? :)

    Lauren, you're a woman after my own heart. LOL You're entirely welcome!

  6. My attempt at Swiss Eggs are cooking in the oven! Right now! :)

    1. When we were in the supermarket doing the shopping yesterday, I said to hubby that I was wondering whether you'd managed to try them yet. :)

  7. Oh my Giddy Aunt! That was AMAZING! Not only did they taste GORGEOUS, but I'm left with a big warm, comfy glow inside :)

    Swiss Eggs. WOW!

    1. I know! :) They really do reach the parts other egg dishes don't. LOL I'm so glad you like them!

  8. Hmmm... I may try this tomorrow. It looks delicious! Do you put the cheese straight in the bottom? It doesn't stick? Have you ever tried using large muffin tins? I don't have ramekins on hand.

    1. Tint, a muffin pan wouldn't work for this because it is a straight from the oven to the table dish. You don't turn it out of the ramekin because it would be just a spoonful of slop. No, the cheese doesn't stick to the bottom. I suspect it's because of the combination of fat from the cheese, butter and cream that stops it from sticking - plus the egg holds everything together. If you were to bake it until everything was set, it would turn out - but it wouldn't be that soft unctuous gooeyness that is so good!

  9. I love eggs and this sounds wonderful! Just joined your blog and look forward to future posts.

    1. Hello Chumkie! Well I'm very pleased to meet you here. :) Feel free to look up the recipe index - there is probably in excess of 300+ recipes there now!


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