
20 February 2012

Sainsbury's Bank Family Blogger Network

You might have noticed a new badge appearing on Rhubarb & Ginger recently - that of the Sainsbury's Bank Family Blogger Network.

Now, if you write a blog of your own, this is your chance to also be considered as one of the Family Blogger Network.  Just go along to the link above and drop a mail to the lovely Suzy.

The "Money Matters" section of the Sainsbury's website is a useful place to keep an eye on.  Currently, there is more than one article there that is pertinent to these times in which we live - and I particularly enjoyed the one regarding "The Perfect Balance".  I think it is one of the most difficult parts of planning meals for the week, to find a balance between everyone's likes and dislikes versus what you know they should be eating, for health.  Obviously, being such a short article, it doesn't go into things such as the sugar involved in eating fruit, or the hidden salt involved in bread - but it's a useful refresher for if your good intentions have slipped!


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