
3 February 2012

Come, on a Hotel Chocolat flight of fancy ....

In Paris, on Valentine's Day in the year 1400, a High Court of Love was established. The court dealt with love contracts, betrayals, and transgressions against women. Judges were selected by women on the basis of a poetry reading......

At Notre Dame, St. Valentine convened 'la court d'amour'
to hear the tales of ladies wronged
to see their hearts renewed.

And to this court, the sweetest rose stood up to make her Plea
A tale of passion and of love, of tenderness and spirits free
before the court as evidence,
she brought his notes for all to see

from earnest lips left nought amiss
Examined now before the court
Examined now for truthfulness

Open your heart and stray with me
I'll swear my love mon cher ami.
When all have gone I shall remain
I'll bring you Oysters and champagne

Sweet Caramels and wine and more
I'll bring to you mon vrai amour
To keep to you for all of time
I promise this, my Valentine

The Judge did gasp with thoughts profane
to hear these wild and boastful claims
To win your trust he lied to you?

Oh no, she smiled - it all came true.

The above (to explain!) is my entry in the Hotel Chocolat's Valentines Blogger competition.

The winner is, purely and simply, the blogger who manages to attract the most click-throughs to the Valentine's Day page, which is linked throughout the poem.  Hence, my success with this competition, is all up to you guys.  However, a little incentive for you is that if I win the first prize - I'll be putting it up on the Blog as a giveaway!  ~gasp!~  Get clicking!

First prize - The Beauty Box!

I must give thanks to Hubby for his remarkable talents as a poet,
without which, I'd have been completely stuck!


  1. I've clicked through several times Jenny, good luck

  2. Thank you, Noreen! Cross fingers! :)

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  4. Hi dear!
    ah those chocolates looks impressive!
    I wish I could have some...
    anyway.. good luck and all the best! ;)

  5. Keep your fingers crossed for me in the competition and if I win the first prize, I'll be holding a blog giveaway. So there's an outside chance you might get to sample some of those chocs! If you want to make it a more definite thing - you can order online. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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